Author: zainabibrahim
•Wednesday, December 26, 2012

salam and gud day..
alhamdulillah today dah ader sunlight..
ujan dh stop..
dengaq cerita dahysat gak penangan ujan kali nih..
byk kawasan kat kuantan nih kene banjir.
alhamdulillah area uia indera mahkota still okes..
maybe sebab lokasi kat tas sket kot..
dok bukit..
tapi still are yg construction mcm hospital n few area utk mahallah agak teruk gak hakisan dia..
maybe rumput2 semua xcengkam kuat g kot..
mmg hakisan menyebabkan air tasik jadikoren amat..
first time tgk hakisan n air ujan byk ngat kat uia..
sblm nih memang pernh gak ujan tapi idak ler terok cenggini..
nampak ngat skrg nih bumi dah tak betoi cuaca dia kan?
salah sapa?
manusia..pembangunan xterkawal n teknologi yg disalah gunakan..

tadi browse tenet..jumpa ada org share gambor nih..
sgtttt setuju..
be grateful always..::)
grabbed from fb..ok thnx.:)
pastukan ritu kan g real solution training tuh kan..
ingat x pasai 6 jar theory tuh??
insya allah ingat nk try apply dlm hidup..
insya allah nk aplly to my future children(erkk..erk..erk..erk..hahaha)
bagus kot..
t boleh train depa menabung with specific aim..

bukan apa..sbb dok teringat balik memori zaman kecik2,
ada la jugak menabung sket2 tapi bila teringat jaa..
dah byk sket boleh plak p korek2 berjoli..
tambah2 bila parent kata kalu ada duit lebih simpan..------> mmg tak laaaa..hahaha
menabung kene ada self discipline kan??

takpa eventhough sehari cuma few cent mcm 50 cent ker 20 cent sbnrnya okes jaa..

the 6 jar theory: ihsan from google image

t kita buatkan 5 jars with different label(education, play, long term saving, fist dream house n car, charity)1 jar for daily used..
yg nih depend on portion..we decide it..
for example, if we want to put 20 cents into each 5 different jars jugak boleh..the more the merrier lah..
cumanya we must do it everyday n consistently n jgn laaa korek2 tabung nih..
it will be a lot more better if we can save it into different account monthly..

based on the story from the speaker..
he did applied this method to his kids..
n alhamdulillah they are very discipline, thoughtful about their spending habit..
bayangkan, if they want to buy toys like transformer yg mahai2 selalu juai jusco OU tuh kene guna duit sendiri ok..
so their father will gently replied to their request:
"its ok if u want buy the toy..but we have to see how much money u have in  ur PLAY jar.."
they went back home, counting the money..----> it seemed not enough..
so, the kid said:
"dad, it is not enough to buy the toy. i will save more and once i have enough money, we should come back here n get my transformer.."

owh..bagussnyaa..if me..kalu tak dapat beli mainan masa kecik sure2 laaa berguling2 ato mogok takmo makan..hahaha..
tapi selalunya tak brani arr guling2 sbb t kena marah..

so t my future kids(insya allah) lets do it yaah!! hahaha
kene start dr kecik2..baru brdisiplin..n baru laaa boleh kumpui ngan byknyaaaaa..
mcm pepatah melayu la: sikit2 lama2 jadik bukit..

so, skrg pon kita dah start wat 5 jars jer dulu. takpe walaupon agak lambat start..
becoz dpt tahu pon dah lambat..(alasaaaaannn..hahaha)
nih la kita..kena rajen sket g talk2 or seminar2 yg bermanfaat..kekeke
skrg byk jer peluang..sama ada rajen atau malasss jeee..kan..kan..kan..kan..??

i believe it is never too late to try..

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