•Saturday, December 01, 2012
salam and gud day...
tgh wat kerja2 persekolahan..
been ages?? heee..not really laa
ada bk gak keje2 nk disiapkan..
macam biasa laaaa..
owh ari2 boleh tahan jugak laa
ada saja activiti nk kena wat..
alhamdulillah Allah bg masa yg penuh untuk diisi..
may allah bless every single thing that we do..
tetiba macam byk plak kan masa dan lagi dok scroll fb
ari2 macam2 update dpt tgk..
start wif gaza, n frens yg getting married n engage..
n those wif kids will update about their family, kids, etc..
life is sooo beautifulllll
n time flies sooooo fast isnt it??
ok now will rajen sket menulis kat blog..
saja2 jer..kekeke..no motif..heeeee
owh i found this from my frens fb's wall
i reallyyyy like the post..
owh i mean the wordingggg..
its soooo touching2 gitu..^^
skrg sedang berusaha menyiapkan my project..(project la sgt kannn)
ok aja2 fighting!!!
tgh wat kerja2 persekolahan..
been ages?? heee..not really laa
ada bk gak keje2 nk disiapkan..
macam biasa laaaa..
owh ari2 boleh tahan jugak laa
ada saja activiti nk kena wat..
alhamdulillah Allah bg masa yg penuh untuk diisi..
may allah bless every single thing that we do..
tetiba macam byk plak kan masa dan lagi dok scroll fb
ari2 macam2 update dpt tgk..
start wif gaza, n frens yg getting married n engage..
n those wif kids will update about their family, kids, etc..
life is sooo beautifulllll
n time flies sooooo fast isnt it??
ok now will rajen sket menulis kat blog..
saja2 jer..kekeke..no motif..heeeee
owh i found this from my frens fb's wall
i reallyyyy like the post..
owh i mean the wordingggg..
its soooo touching2 gitu..^^
skrg sedang berusaha menyiapkan my project..(project la sgt kannn)
ok aja2 fighting!!!