•Tuesday, February 19, 2013
"sometimes, a short walk down the memory lane is all it takes to appreciate where you are today"
-Susan Gale-
salam and a very gud day...
some of the great memories(yg the fondest) we gathered in our journey of life are the memories that remind us of beautiful people around us.. ain't it???
moment of the never endless laughter, chit chat yg longest and all those beautiful times that we shared with them are simply very33333 precious and also priceless...
so often when i got time to read or scrolling down some beautiful and meaningful poem about frenship.....>>> i will put myself, immersed into it(drawn into the world of memoris about beautiful time spent with frend..kekeke)
in life, every single day we are continuously making beautiful+sad+sour memories when at time we can look back upon and we can grin a smile about it..weeee
tetiba kan?? hahahaha..
kralovsky zahrada..erk?? royal garden pendek ceritaa..kekekeke |
few days back...
tetiba kan mcm teringat all the beautiful places yg i had been to..
waaaa bestnyaaaa..
teringat how the mix colour of pokok2, bunga2 kat jalan, rumah wif bumbung yg merah,
kenangan memang sangat menarik..
tambah2 kalu ada kawan2 yg superb best kan??/
rusna rusli, ijai, zizi mon, kirin, mimo, nadia, syammy, pia, syipa, anis, n mimi..
yg lain pon ramai g batch laen n few budak2 laki..
rindu kan?
tambah2 lama tak jumpa..
ada yg dah jadik mrs dah()anis, syammy n ejai n syipa..yg lain to be laa kot insya allah..
erkkk...belom g..insya allah satu ari nanti..allah masih rahsiakan tarikh ari bahagia itu..(ini memang poyo jwpn dier..kekekeke)
tu r kan..calon pon tader g..mmg tak cukup syarat rrr..mana leh kawen g kalu tak cukup syarat..kekekeke..
ok back to story...sebenarnya takder idea pon nk tulis paa..
skrg mmg tak reti ngat nk mengarang panjang2..
sbbnya tader aper yg istimewa ngat pon rutin arian selain p kelas, balik, makan, tido, mandi manda, blajo, tgk citer sket n skroll2 fb n blog walking...hohoho...
aper nkciter yek?
owh now we start working on a proposal..
nk wat toxic testing service..eh a company yg offer toxic testing for entrepreneur yg nk test their product before market it..kekeke..
mcm advance plak n lot of research need to be done jugak laaa..
okes t i jadik secretary rrr n human resource nyer director..giler kuasa tak?
hahaha..sebanranya kitorg tak cukp man power arrr..tuh yg dapat jawatan bykkk..hahahaha..
t kalu dah progress i will update okes..
tgh pikir nama apa yg sodap?
kalu ada bioservice2 oke ke?
with motto confidence in testing..bajet plak..
ok t rr pikir2..hoohphphhppoppjhjbcdc
okes dokes..
taking care everyone..eh fi aman Allah....
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kat fb ritu tgk org post.. comel kan?? |