•Wednesday, March 13, 2013
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"Sometimes we love people so much that we have to be numb to it. Because if we actually felt how much we love them, it would kill us. That doesn't make you a bad person. It just means your heart's too big."
- Fay, Riding in Car with Boys-
salam and gud day...
its march already..
and just about to start typing up something here again..
a little bit lazy, have a lot of things to be settled before..
alhamdulillah few thing already settle..
application for internship had been accepted.. alhamdulillah..
now working on eop proposal, the skill class and also the future project which is undecided yet..
owh, a bit sad when i looked back at the calendar..
i am not sure whether i can attend my fren's weeding this coming august..
because i might not free on that particular month..
if that so, i may not be able to attend...sorry friend..
i pray that everything happened smoothly and be blessed by Allah swt..
may you have a happy and cheerful n married life..
almost all of my frens that i known already getting married. ..some are engaged and not so many are still single like me..hahaha
time flies really fast
thinking back the good old days, i just cant believe that now we are moving into the other phase of life===> becoming an adult..kekekeke..
sometimes, i just feel like i still the 16 years girl..hahahhaa..
study and do nothing serious..hohohoho..
owh plus: maybe because i am short and doesnt really have a matured look..hahahaha
sometimes people might think i still under age(erkk.. i mean they guess i am younger than my age..hahahaha)
it is funny sometime..and i am ok with that..hahaha
owh, actually this is not what i am going to write..hahahaha
i pon xsure apa g nk tulis..kekekeke..
sebenarnya sedih kannn kisah kat lahad datu tuh..
sedih sgt2..
semoga Allah mencucuri nikmat n rahmat kepada semua pejuang negara yg terkorban..amin..
sedih sangat..
"I believe there's a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want the most. Even our dreams. - Spider-Man 2"
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t rajen i write more..
lama xmenulis mmg takto pe mender nk tulis..kekekeke