Author: zainabibrahim
•Friday, February 15, 2013

"Praying for those who love you, that's sincerity.
Praying for those who hurt you, that's maturity."

salam and good day..

lama gak tulis mende2 sinih..
just having a normal day..
same thing all the weekdays-weekends

ujan plak tak menentu skrg.
takpa la ujan itu rahmat..

ari2 berkelubung jaaa
berhibernasi kalu tader kelas mai lappy
see whats happening around from clicking..

tak lama g dah nak pru13 kan
g mengundi ke?
heboh gak pasai isu konsert psy segala
n terbaru sket pasai kejadian kat pekan tuh..
ntah laa..
kalu nk pilihan raya mmg mcm nih ke selalu?
sadisnyaaaa laaaa..

ok t ingat nk plan balik gombak kot..
so few things nk wat:
takpe t bear in my mind jee takpon notes in henpon..

sgt2 la bosan jugak skrg,,
even though byk gak tough2 subject
hemato, onco, toxico, biostat, n research method..n eop g..
semoga bersemangat nk start baca2 about ur own blooddddd..
okes dokes..
may allah ease everything..

thank google image..
kene bersemangat sokmoooo..
belajo explore new things n having lot lot lot of lot of lot of funnn..

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