•Saturday, May 11, 2013
salam and a very good day..
this week a lot of things happened..
kinda said----> terrible but not that really2222 bad..
alhamdulillah allah ease the way..
settle with few important things n now trying hard to cope with other upcoming things..
exam just around the corner...
started on 25-30 of may 2013..
may allah ease everything...amin..
big bad wolf?
i bought 7 books using BB1M okes..
even though books that im looking for wasnt there..still oke laa.
bought 2 books for my niece..
hopefully she likes it..
there's one incident happened..
where i accidentally dropped my pink wallet..
alhamdulillah the BBW's cashier kept it..
such a good man i could say..tqvm for your good deed
alhamdulillah again..
that was the second incident happened
losing a wallet..
the first time was during form 2 kot..
almost cry when i think back about my ic..
i recited the 3 qul over and over again n make doa as well..
i remembered..
on the third day i finally found it under my desk in my class..
of course the money wasnt there..
its okay..
i just need the ic..
not ony that..
i happened to lose some money that i keep inside my room..
im not sure how much..
might be less than 100..
but that time of course if you are losing rm 50 is quite a lot..
i dont know who the theft is
and i started to keep my money separately..
alhamdulillah thats work..
yeah thats why things happened for a reason..
it taught me a lot actually..
to be more alert, aware n take care of my belonging
life is just like that..
then on the next day....
i went to baking with love class..
soooo happy..
a lot of new things i learnt..
cake styling, tart buah, cupcake..sponge cake..
semuanyaaa sedap2..
like serious okes..
tapi i takder la amek gambo byk ngat..
ni colek dr tenet sudeyh..macam2 adaaa.
ni dr blog org..ini linknya |
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from google image..cantek kan? |
i will type up the recipe for my future reference..kekeke
in case i forget n wanna try out the recipes..
veryyyyyyyy easy..
recipe 1:
sponge cake
1. mix 375 g spongemix + 5 eggs gred A or B (if gred C, add 1 more n take out the white egg)
2. putar slow----> high speed, 5 minutes.
3. add in 75 ml water n putar g 7 minutes. add in flavor..anything u like..
4. add in 75 ml cooking oil. (u can add 2 tbspoon choco powder if u like in this step)
5. sapu pan with butter n tepung sket. hentakkan bawah pan utk buang angin.
6. panaskan oven before bakar..use 170-180 degree celcius n baked for about 1 hour.(depend on ur oven, use api atas bawah)
7. once dah masak, kuakan from pan n sidai atas redai to elak lengkuk2..weeeee
recipe 2:
buttercream for cake deco
1. 400 g icing sugar(ayak 2x)
2. 1 kg krim well(u can get it from bakery shop)
3. flavor (1 teaspoon ok)
4. putar all slow----> high speed for 15 minit.
5. putar slow to buang angin2 n lubang2
butter cream:
1. 500 g krim well
2. 300 g shortening
3. 250 g ising sugar (ayak 2 times)
4. flavor (1 teaspoon ok jee)
5. same like above.
buttercream for rose deco:
1. 250 g ising sugar (2 kali ayak)
2. 100 g shortening
3. flavor(1 teaspoon ok jer)
4. mix wif mixer.. same procedure.
how to decorate ur cake?
1. get a cake.
2. tandakan bhgn nk potong before gergajikan kek.(erkkk)
3.tanda wif butter cream supaya senang nk refer back which part is which.
4.remove by layer.
5. start spread the cream, jem etc. but not until tepi2..
6.put on other layer until abis.
7. bersihkan saki baki serdak2.
8. sapu buttercream start dr bawah until atas to cover it from saki baki n adjust.
9. start piping or kemaskan with butter cream until dpt smooth surface.
10. ok siap n start decorate ur cake..
11. better use 3 colour for formal cake(wedding, engagement etc), n for besday up to us..kekekeke
recipe 3:
cokelat cupcake i loike!!!
1. 2 cup of tpg gandum.
2. 2 cup of sugar.
3. 1 cup of serbuk koko.
4. i tablespoon baking powder.
5. mix them well..guna senduk jerr..
6. add in 2 eggs gred A.
7. 1 cup susu cair.(can use also susu pekat tapi make sure cairkan n kurang manis..kreatifff!!!)
8. 1 cup minyak masak.
9. 2 cawan air panas br comey deh.
10. kacau rata, put it 3/4 of muffin cup
11. baked 170-180 degree celcius for 25 minute.. if kukus 20 minit n balut sket penutup kukus..
recipe 4:
kulit tart..i likeeeee
1. 500 g tepung gandum
2. 300 g marjerin(guna yg pelangi pon ok jeee)
3. 2 biji telur putih okkkk
4. vanila esen
5. 1 sudu gula jee..
6. gaulkn ngn sudu ker spatula.
7.bulatkan then letak kat acuan..kemaskan with sudu..
# tak yah susah2 n canai, terap segala..huhuhuhu..
8. bakar 170-180 darjah celcius 10-15 minit jee
tart buah nyer kastard:
1. 200 g instant kastad
2. 500 ml susu cair or segar
3. fruits jem n buah22
4. mix instant kastad n milk.
5. add in jem, pipe it into the kulit tart, hias wif buah n siappp..
isnt it realllllly easy?
tetiba rasa macam blog makanan jeeee..hahahahaha
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sedapppnya tembikai..kekeke |
ok la..
t later i write again..
this week bz sket..
i baru beskan presentation eop..then ada trip to national zoo..
balik tuh kerne wat trip report plak..
n few things g..
ok everyone..
taking care yee..
p/s: kalu sedih2, rasa mcm sedikit tekanan ato kekusutan..bacalah surat cinta dr Ilahi..bykkan berdoa..n remember Him always..insya allah lebih tenang..:)