Author: zainabibrahim
•Sunday, May 26, 2013

salam and a very good day..
owh i have exam this week..
yesterday was 3 hours paper biostatistic..

n starting from tomorrow onward i have 4 papers more..every day is an exam day..
since the school holidays just started, there's a lot of wedding invitation.
but..unluckyly..sadly..hehehhe.. couldnt attend any of that..huahuahuahua..

at this age..(20s plus+++), people start to change and move on into the next phase of life..
working, getting married and settle down..
most of my frens are getting married and some actually have their own beautiful child...
alhamdulillah n very happy for them..
but still, few are still happily enjoying their youth: studying, working etc..(like me..kekeke)
its okay.. different person will have different fate in their life..heee

erk..erk..erk..erk..suddenly plak boleh p taip ntry cenggini?

ok i will be back to hometown after the exam..
maybe 1.6 tuh brgerak ke kl..
then decide when to go back to kg laaa..
t i have practical in jb..
may allah ease everything..

t kalu ada kenuri g bulan 8 probability to attend is veryyyyyyyy smalll...
so sadddd..
takper.. insya allah i will doa the best for those who r getting marry or engage t..

owh i jumpa this one quote:
all of my frens are getting married, n  i am getting awesome
erkk..go figure huh!! kikiki..

haaa...macam kaktus nih baguss...bersemangat sokmo..hidup kene bersemangat laaaa:)

*p/s: makan kek cokelat pon sedappp need to figure lah the quote..kekekeke.. owh bestnya kalu dapat kek cokelat kukuih yg masuk peti ais tuh..waaaahh sedapnya sedappnyaaaa...


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On 26 May 2013 at 19:44 , neneknora said...

blog post ni seolah-olah memujuk :D
kekeke.. all my friends are getting married, I'm getting awesomeeee :P kekeke..
btul2.. kite semua dah ada takdir masing2! and it has been written beautifully, for each one of us. :)